Pixel of Life

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • This is tax money funding toys for the parasitic criminal billionaires.

    What an idiotic and short-sighted take. Research on supersonic aerodynamics is useful for far more than just toys for billionaires. Military applications, rocketry and astrophysics, for example. And even regular commercial aviation, because supersonic shockwaves are a major source of drag even at the speeds airliners fly at. Airlines would kill to have a fleet of planes that burn a few percent less fuel.

    E: Also, much of the noise an airliner makes during takeoff comes from the sonic booms created by the engine fan blades going supersonic.

  • What difference does it make if the temperature is 79 or 80 F? That’s a difference of about half a Celsius, and as a Celsius user, I can tell you that I don’t plan my daily life based on a half a degree difference, or even a one degree difference; 5 degree precision is almost always enough.

  • You pass out, and then you wake up with no memory of anything that happened in the meantime.

    That is, unless they messed up the dosage and allowed you to regain consciousness. It happened to me once as a kid, I had to have a tooth removed but I was so scared that they had to put me under, but I woke up briefly during the operation and I remember the surgeon giving me nitrous oxide (I think that’s what it was, because it had this sweet smell and taste) with a mask and telling my mom (who was in the operating room), “let’s turn this down a little bit so we don’t pass out too”. Then I passed out again and woke up in the recovery unit.