Currently in love with all things fibre!

Trying to be the single crazy person bringing the unbridled fun of spinning yarn, crochet, and weaving to beehaw. I’m by no means an expert, just overwhelmingly passionate about all things wool. Toss questions my way, I’ll do my best to answer. :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I’m a very flitty sort of person, and can be pushed off balance decently easily. My job is pretty fast paced, so I can’t just go for a walk or meditate for 10 minutes. So my rule is to not focus on everything coming up, but just focus on what’s directly in front of me. Which, yeah, I know sounds dumb but it honestly does work.

    Instead of thinking “Oh, that line of customers is long” -> “Oh god I’m not going to be able to serve the customers fast enough” -> “oh my god they’re going to leave and I’m going to get in trouble for not being fast enough.”

    I don’t even acknowledge the length of the line. Look directly ahead, and focus on what you’re doing right now. Shit will always be coming in from every direction, but quick steps make for shorter journeys.

    Outside of work, hobbies, crochet, gardening. Getting in touch with nature is a big one for me.

  • Adding onto this, you can’t really overhaul your entire life unless you have a place to live.

    I’m speaking from the other side, I spent some time homeless, and I agree with you. Some people do need more than just a place to live. They need mental health treatment, they need assistance with their drug dependency. They need professional help.

    But, it’s also impossible for someone to consistently get professional help unless they have a consistent place to rest their head.

    Because again, I am agreeing with you, but the part I disagree in is the order of where mental illness comes in. Because I reckon for a lot of homeless folk, they start off fine, and then the trauma of the situation sends them completely mentally loose. I was lucky to have the internet and my friends to keep me stable enough, and even I have plenty of screws lost now.

    It’s a hard issue to solve, and I genuinely think it’ll take decades of actual effort (not half measures) to see some actual gain. And homelessness is literally ingrained into an economy of winners and losers. Because it is a lot more than just stop making people homeless at this point.

  • I’m with you on Persona 5. My favourite in the series is Persona 2. Plays like complete ass but some of the best writing I’ve seen in a videogame. So it balances out. Then Persona 3 came out and they changed direction with the games, and… Well, I guess it makes more money and being told you’re the best is a lot more fun than the weirdness of early persona.

    Weirdly enough, I could never get into Stardew Valley. Whenever I play it, the path to complete optimisation is just so annoyingly clear. Something ALWAYS needs to be done to be optimal. So I always feel like I’m not doing it right or I’m falling behind. My personality just does not work with Stardew Valley even if I really truly want it to.

  • I agree with this whole heartedly. I think the issue, remote or at work, comes down to the fact that it isn’t the workers making the choice, but their boss. For me, I don’t do tech work, so I have to go into work because I’m legitimately doing work with my hands. And I like it that way. I know that if I had to work from home, I would become miserable QUICK. That’s just my personality.

    But the choice is made from up high, from people who don’t give two shits about the workers. As with all things.

  • Exactly my point. The first pokemon games you play generally feel so much more exciting because of the novelty of the world. Exploring the world, finding cool little secrets, it’s genuinely fun that first time round.

    For all the complaints about Pokemon tutorials, they are a minority of the actual issues. But a good representation of the fact that Pokemon refuses to break “tradition”. Think about the world design of Pokemon. Like, genuinely think and compare each of the maps and regions. And they’ll honestly start to blend together. Even Alola, which imo had the best designed world, aesthetically, blends in to the rest of the world.

    And the issue is, when they DO break the mold. It’s fucking fantastic. Area Zero, the Megalopolis from Su/Mo, the Distortion World. All fantastic zones that are relegated to the 11th hour and then barely brought up again.

    Once you’ve explored one Pokemon game, you’ve probably explored them all. And that’s pretty egregious considering the main draw of Pokemon is exploration.

  • I was only on forums as a little kid myself. Trust me, I’m Very Young, I was just good with computers young. But the notifications, small scale, it gave me a little tickle that I hadn’t felt since those silly days of logging onto Pokemon forums as a kid.

    I’ve never been super active on Reddit myself. Hell, I’ve probably written more comments on here in the past day or two than I did over a few years on Reddit. So I can’t accurately describe the culture change to you. I’m sure there’s plenty of older folk who would be able to tell you though.

    But it’s something I haven’t felt for a while, and something I had forgotten myself. Where social media is… An active choice? On Reddit, it was easy to be entirely passive. Just scroll and scroll. And really, it wasn’t even making me happy. It was just engagement for the sake of being engaged. But if I’m on a smaller forum I love talking with people! Sharing these experiences. Also, yay for having forum tools again!! I missed being able to post pictures in comments.

  • Ehhh, I’ve been around for long enough to kinda be scared off by vague proposals… Having a solid idea of what you want, how you’re going to do it, why you want it, and who would be involved is a prerequisite in my eyes. I’m all for community led communities. But without something solid and specific, there’s no real reason to trust you.

    I really don’t mean this as an insult. I can tell that you do have a vision here. But, without details and genuine work. No one else will see your vision. Especially if your vision is built off of collaboration. It sounds backwards, but trust me on this. No one will share the same passion for your projects as you do. You have to find a way to get people on board with YOU and working with you. Otherwise there’s no reason they couldn’t just go off and do what you’re saying, sans you.

  • It seems that business has gone the way where, as long as you keep making profit, who cares if you have less customers? It’s such a backwards way of thinking when you actually apply it to reality. I wish I could find the article, but I remember there being a discussion about the trust threshold for businesses. Where, a business who constantly pulls moves like this makes more and more money out of fewer customers, until they suddenly pass a threshold of trust, and BAM! It all falls down.

    Ofc, I know, it’s capitalism. The endless pursuit of profit and the expense of all else. It’s just… Exhausting to see it happen everywhere.