We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • imo Tooie it’s vastly inferior to the first game, and feels like it has no concrete identity as to what kind of game it wants to be. Banjo-Kazooie even to this day is a tight, defined, and perfectly balanced game that genuinely holds up, but I’ve never been able to get through Tooie without becoming either bored, frustrated, or both.

    I get that Rare were trying to push the boundaries for video games at the time, but it just didn’t translate to a better experience.

  • Legitimately invest a shitload into Bitcoin before cashing out at the top of the last bull market we just had (waiting a good number of years until then just having fun being young.) I’d then buy a plot of land in the middle of nowhere, set it up to be completely off-grid (as much as can be done, anyway), and then live happily in peaceful isolation while the world burns itself to the fucking ground and I hopefully die before I hit 60.

    Unfortunately I didn’t do any of that in 2013, so I’m still working on step one here in 2023… whatever the hell the right move is in 2023.

  • Again, if the perpetrator instead happened to be a far right terrorist instead, this same response would NOT be happening, and you know that. This is a case of media bias and suppression, and you can dress it up any way you like. There are plenty of ways in which cases like these SHOULD be handled by the media, but historically aren’t. Why is this particular case so special? Why are news organizations and big tech platforms trying so desperately to bury this particular case, when their response wasn’t such for high profile far right terrorist/racially-motivated attacks in recent years? It’s not like the media has ever given a shit about doing the right thing. If you truly believe these platforms operate on objective reasoning, then why have they never employed it until now? It couldn’t be that the difference between this attack and others is that Nashville just happens to have been acted out in the name of anti-white hate (based on the shooter’s own writings and political ideology?)

    Media companies only care about profit. Mass shootings are guaranteed profit for large media companies, and history has shown that they will happily share any story guaranteed to bring in more revenue and spark outrage, especially given that any fines issued for breach of confidential legal information will pale in comparison to the revenue earned. So what’s so special about this one? It’s the first in a long, long time to run counter to the mainstream media and big tech’s generally left wing narrative. They’re protecting their own. If you look into the HRC and CEI, which most of America’s large media companies are beholden to, then there are genuine financial consequences for not staying in line and protecting the ideology they espouse.

    I’m sorry, but I don’t buy your argument on this. We fundamentally disagree here.

  • You cannot tell me with a straight face that if the suspect’s political ideology were far right, that the media and large tech platforms would be employing the exact same response. This isn’t a matter of legal proceedings, it’s glaringly-obvious demonstration of what mainstream media and their counterparts will do in order to silence any story that may damage the credibility of their beliefs. This was an anti-white hate crime. It is being suppressed. If this were an anti-black hate crime, it would be covered worldwide, court orders be damned - and you know it.

  • The evidence seems pretty damning from what I’ve read. Confirmed authentic by Nashville police, too. Big tech and the media seem to be scrambling to cover up and censor the manifesto story as quickly as possible. Make of that what you will… but if this were a right wing terrorist, it’d be news the world over, and nobody would have had an issue with it. The writings shown in the leaks make it very clear that the shootings were racially-motivated - and had been planned for months.