• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Reason I have difficulty empathizing is because I’m in the same boat as them as being a reddit user. It’s not like I’m expecting them to do something hard like a complete boycott of reddit, but just stop reddit mobile use whether its the official app or subscription options. And even provided options like rss for alerts and apps like Stealth for Android for lurking use which is a non account option where you can still get a custom feed and save posts with the only feature not being able to comment.

    It’s like saying just cut down smoking during the morning. So I don’t think it’s that demanding of an ask when it isn’t even a boycott, but just saying to cut back a little.

  • Twitch is live streaming which is what probably makes it a challenge to block ads, and the main draw of twitch is watching live content. I’d imagine it’s easier to view content that isn’t live without ads, and people do repost clips after it’s aired where people haven’t encountered ads in contrast to live viewers.

    Then look at television piracy where live viewing will have ads, but pirated content is uploaded with it stripped away. Blocking ads will be something YouTube will have to keep fighting endlessly.

  • When I say side with reddit it’s just that on the part of being against people using third party apps we are on the same page.

    Reason is different. Reddit wants to get rid of third party apps. Me because I don’t want people to pay Reddit api access. There is no changing reddit’s mind anymore. The api protest is over. Either you are rewarding reddit with money or you aren’t.

    People being so addicted they have to pay to use a mobile app instead of quitting at least on mobile, and moving to browser if they really have to doesn’t come across as some stance to me. It just comes across like people who complain about broken video game launches while being the first to pre-order.

    At this point the situation is what it is because people don’t do the simple thing of quitting. All these reasoning for why they want to pay for third party access seem empty when their actions are why the third party api protest ended in failure, and the ones willing to pay are one of the bigger culprits with how they can’t stay away.

  • I’m saying whether people agree with the new structure or not doesn’t matter anymore, since reddit has made their decision and isn’t going to roll it back. It is what it is. Changing reddit’s mind is over.

    People either pay to use the api or don’t. And my meaning of standing with reddit is that Id rather people not pay to use reddit. Just happens to be either reasoning of reddit’s being to get rid of third party apps or mine of don’t give reddit money by paying for third party apps leads to not using third party apps.

    Browser use costs nothing, so that’s route I push for if having to comment while on mobile. There’s local dns or adblockers on mobile, so ads don’t matter. Whatever excuses people use to pay for third party apps it just signals to me that it’s the reason why the protest failed because they may be vocal about giving reasons for why reddit is in the wrong, but not actually able to make the decision of limiting use. They showed reddit they are loyal users even if disgruntled.

  • For once I’m with reddit (on people using third party apps but reasons are different where reddit wanted to no longer compete with third party apps, and I don’t want people giving reddit money after the end of the protest). I’d prefer third party apps be dead for good if mobile plan type subscriptions are necessary to exist (by this I mean the third party apps need subscriptions to exist because of reddit’s decision to charge for api which they aren’t going to change because people were unwilling to quit during the protest, and showed reddit they are too addicted to stay away. So now the aftermath for users is either pay or don’t, and I’d rather people not pay reddit money. Better off quitting mobile use than pay money is my stance.).

    So the few hold outs now either give into using reddit app like reddit wants or go through the process of getting third party apps to work for free. Or use the website or preferably move to not contributing to reddit anymore through mobile, and just moving to lurker status through rss or accountless apps like Stealth for Android.