Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

This is an alt: Main Account

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • I’d really appreciate it if you used paragraphs. Would make reading longer comments like that one a little nicer.

    Like you say, redundant activity is extremely difficult, and the second and third posters only show up when a community already seems active. It’s a catch 22.

    On Lemmy, as it is new, we are still in a phase where people like you and me who are out to post things, are more likely to create new communities instead of finding existing ones where the things they want to post would fit in.

    That’s kinda why I shifted gears and made actively looking out for posts that might fit in in more places part of the my deal. To get that redundancy and overlap going, so that even if I disappear, others might still be around posting similar stuff, and so that the people posting to their own communities, might start posting to each others communities, too.

    For the same reason, I want to see if I can get Mastodon users involved with the threadiverse. There are lots of artists over there, and they are already used to hashtags to make relevant things visible to people looking for it, so I don’t think it’s a stretch that if only the active users over there knew more about the threadiverse, there could be more interaction.

    Hopefully Mastodon’s support for groups will eventually bring even better interoperability.

  • If the person from another site wanted to post it on Lemmy themselves, I would do the exact same thing. Encouraging and preferreing that they do so themselves.

    As for encouraging activity, I am absolutely succeeding. I measure success as simply whether there are people upvoting, and therefore enjoying, my posts. Why compare ourselves to Reddit?

    My first community was ! which now has three other regular posters aside from myself and a growing sub-count of 1.5k.

    My moe communities are very niche but my bot for posting to them is only getting better, and over this last year several other posters have come and gone, some of which are still active (most notably the other poster on !

    There’s also a handful of occasional posters like toes and graybackgroundmusic.

    I have even spotted the occasional artist posting to the moe communities, though as they actually do the incredible work of producing the art they post, they do so very seldom.

    My proudest success has been ! which despite only just hitting 400 subs, has consistently stayed at 700 mau, suggesting there’s a ton of room to grow. Posts get A LOT of interactions considering it’s a manga/show specific sub, and the episode discussions had commenters EVERY week.

    Lots of us mods discuss how to effectively grow the threadiverse/fediverse over on !, check it out!

    I think Lemmy>Microblog federation has been borked for a while. I tried to sub to some of my communities to get the federation over to that side of the fediverse, but the subs don’t go through, if that gets fixed, communities and posts could reach much more people.

    I also want to go see if I can maybe find some artists over on the microblog side, and let them know they can make their Mastodon/whatever posts show up in relevant communities on the threadiverse by mentioning them.

  • It’s partly an excuse to actually comment, which is a little more visible than the link of a crosspost, and as such it’s an opportunity to “drop a link” for anyone to maybe find their way to more communities.

    But it’s mainly a courtesy. I don’t want to “steal” every piece of content worth seeing for my own communities, and thereby make them the only ones worth subscribing to. Nor do I want to hog the updoot-dopamine. I want to let the people who find and post things be the ones that enjoy the positive feedback of sharing, as much as possible.

    And I want to encourage others to post more and to more communities. When it comes to anime art I’m already carrying way too hard. I want be one of the people sharing anime art on the threadiverse, not the one.

  • Not at all.

    I’m no medical expert either, I’ve just looked into this in my endeavour to take care of myself.

    I’ve talked to both doctors and nutritionists about my body composition, and what to look out for if I want to alter it in some direction.

    I really don’t like the way my face rounds out when my body fat gets to the 13-15% range, so most of my life I’ve maintained a mere 8-12% by altering my diet whenever things go in a direction I don’t want.

    That’s easier as a man, but as a tall dude with disproportionately long limbs, who doesn’t get bulky even when I strength train, it does mean the rest of me ends up looking skinny to the point I start getting comments about “starving myself”, even though the numbers aren’t even close to unusual.

    I do have muscle, I just have to flex them for it to really show, and because my limbs are long, and my fat genetically tends towards intravascular, people looking at me come to complete nonsense conclusions.

    That I have personal experience with people trying to feed me more than I want to or actually need to eat, makes it especially irksome seeing it done to others.

    Sure, if you have full overview of someone’s diet, exercise, and body composition, as well as a graph showing the changes in those things over time, then you could start making conclusions about what kind of changes may be warranted.

    But someone’s weight and torso from a single point in time, tells you literally nothing unless they are visibly in the process of wasting, or morbidly obese.

  • MentalEdge@ani.socialtoAnimemes@ani.socialThe good ending
    4 months ago

    That’s lipolysis.

    The difference is that under normal circumstances the body does not consume muscle, nor all its different kinds of fat stores. Not all fat in the body serves as mere energy storage. (The brain is about 60% fat, lipids are a crucial molecule in the way neural cells function)

    Lipolysis is also a more short-term process (hours), while catabolysis occurs long-term to facilitate continued functioning during prolonged starvation (days-weeks).

    Basically, your body has started consuming parts of itself that it will not survive without in the long term. The final stages consume the proteins that process proteins, meaning eating again at that point won’t save you, because your body is no longer capable of metabolising food.

  • MentalEdge@ani.socialtoAnimemes@ani.socialThe good ending
    4 months ago

    I really don’t like the trend of looking at peoples bodies and using that alone to determine whether the amount they are currently eating is insufficient or excessive. The way someone looks just doesn’t tell you that except for at the really extreme ends of obesity and starvation.

    We don’t know enough. Only she does, and whether she is acting upon what she knows in a way that’s healthy, isn’t something the commenters can know, either.

    That does not look like 35kg to me, unless she is tiny af. Which she might be. The self harm scars in other posts obviously mean she’s been not ok at some point, but may not necessarily mean she’s still struggling now.

    While I’m all for encouraging healthy living for everyone, that does not look like catabolysis, or like so much definition to be cause for worry due to a fat percentage approaching nothing.

    People can look very skinny, or quite thick, without reaching a point that comes with significantly increased health risks. If nutritional needs are being met, muscle and fat mass can vary a lot without being unhealthy.

    That’s not to say you can go as low as you like as long as you eat right and avoid catabolysis, low body fat has some drawbacks of it’s own, but they only kick in when approaching very low percentages. Fatty tissue serves many biological purposes and as such eliminating it entirely or pushing towards a very small number, has adverse metabolic, pulmonary and immunological affects. Above all, the nervous system is absolutely reliant of fatty tissue.

  • My local library does carry a shit-ton of series, but the real kicker is you can electronically order books for pickup from the entire capital city region of libraries, even if all copies are lent out you can get in line right from the website.

    Basically, if something exists as a physical book, you can arrange for yourself to read it. You can even use the library website to track down what books and how many copies are in what libraries and on what shelf, and then go get them yourself same day. Same library card works in the whole capital city region and you don’t need to return books to the same library.

    Back during my conscription the garrison library stocked several dozen series too, that I devoured in the boredom of hurrying up and waiting. Funny how a library specifically meant to cater to 18-year-old men had plenty of girly romance manga…

    You can get digital releases, too, I’ve read a lot of manga on an e-reader. First on a Kobo, now on a Android based Likebook device which I can use any app on for accessing manga that I like.

    Kindle has tons, and for series that only exist in English thanks to fan translations, reading from mangadex using tachiyomi/mihon is fantastic.

    Due to all that, the books and manga volumes I own are mostly gifts from others and some money spent on series I especially like, and want to be able to just take off the shelf and read.

  • It’s a word.

    I find it’s a pretty healthy development in what is basically a branch of the idol industry.

    It has enabled indies, and the people doing it have a way better chance at maintaining a healthy work/life balance than idols of old. They can literally “unplug” and live a personal life that they can make as separate or involved as they like.

    There’s no bullshit about physical appearances like fashion, weight watching, age…

    And it’s been a delight to see the biggest player, hololive, actually allowing talent to take care of themselves when push come to shove, rather than going through humans like they’re some kind of consumable.

    But this, taking an IP with established fictional characters, and having them become vtubers? This feels weird.

    I’m not sure what it adds? People stick with vtubers because as “unreal” as they are, we genuinely like the people behind the avatars.

    Yes, it’s acting and performing, but also not. I’m not sure how “hello I’m a character from that franchise you like” would work.

    As a big fan of Holo, I’m kinda worried, and annoyed that they’d risk it, that this will affect the character. I don’t want to see a fantasy goddess try and fit into the real world, and I’m a little scared of what the real world might turn her into.