• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I can keep them in a little longer to get them to eat their feed, but I do enjoy letting them out while I have a coffee and watching them scratching about. It’s a good idea for me to keep in mind if I need it.

    I have the same thoughts as your last paragraph, I do want to get him involved and try to educate him but I need to get the parents on the same page. I showed him their daily portion to give him an idea of how much they need and said to throw this cup of feed over tomorrow instead of the seeds. He threw it over about 30 minutes later.

    If there is no immediate risk then I can afford a little more patience, I want to be as accommodating as possible.

  • They are social creatures, 1 would get lonely! 3 was the smallest quantity the breeder would part with at once for this reason. (She would sometimes do pairs if she understood the reason and who they were going with.)

    The males are really noisy and aren’t really necessary for happy hens, so most people don’t keep them as far as I know. I would like to have a male and raise chicks at some point in my life, but I live in the suburbs and couldn’t do that to my neighbours (or myself). If I ever retire to the country and have enough space I would like to do it.