• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I mean… isn’t that also a legal thing?

    If you know insider information that’s not public (A company misbehaved being one of them) you are not supposed to trade stock to financially gain from it.

    Now that’s what you’re supposed to do… Politicians have proven that’s rules just for peasants, and most stock traders heavily benefit from this type of information, and unless your Martha Stewart for some reason, you get away with it… But my point is legally, if you know they misbehaved, that’s immediately insider information?

    Edit: I misunderstood the headling/rule. Sorry. Quite a shit thing that granted stock can be revoked, especially after you pay taxes. I wonder how legal it is, because if they can revoke it, is it actually yours and thus do you have to pay taxes on it?

  • Heard this two generations straight already.

    Maybe PCs. IF Microsoft brings out a cheap and form factor PC instead of a Xbox whatever they call it. And that’d be a good thing. Besides, a Xbox Series X and a PC is about the same thing except less configuration on the console, and that’s fine… Microsoft still makes games, they just bring it to PC as well as their console. We should applaud that.

    But no, Consoles and PCs will be in gaming as long as people buy millions of them, and the good news is they don’t buy millions, they buy HUNDREDS of millions.

    And Gen Z continue to buy them too. Because GenZ is 22-38. I hate the phrase but I feel like “OK Boomer” is actually appropriate here.

  • “I’ve done it too many times to repeat it again” Really?

    Isn’t that kind of beneath you? That’s the type of shit someone would say on a playground.

    Besides which the full complaint doesn’t appear to be available anywhere, but what has been shown has not said what you’re claiming.

    However other people might have more knowledge about this situation than you seem to, besides which other pieces that have been revealed since the original complaint have shown it’s not just about the ability to circumvention technology. So you know… maybe read more, or stop acting like you have all the answers when you don’t?

    On the other hand consider if it was exactly what you say it is, why isn’t Cemu and Ryujinx getting their own version of the note… hint: it’s not just about the circumvention…

  • Honestly… they don’t. I think Microsoft will eventually go to a PC pre-built with a OS on it. “But isn’t that a Console?” I mean I had an alpha, On my alpha I had a versions of windows that immediately booted into the Alpha program for ease of use. I stopped the alpha program and my wife uses it as a work computer (a weak one so she can pull up documents).

    I don’t see a future where Microsoft makes a different OS than Windows, makes a hardware setup that isn’t off the shelve parts. MAYBE a specialized motherboard with a chip set. But ultimately, I think IF they make a “Console” it’s going to be a Windows machine with set specs that don’t change, and an OS that is just for gaming, maybe with some way to dockerize the software so you always get the same experience every time you run it.

    Sony and Nintendo will keep making Consoles, for sure, but Microsoft has no benefit in making a console. And before someone says what I described is a console, Xbox can’t play PC games, what I’m describing is a windows machine playing windows software. When you make Xbox software currently you make software that ONLY can run on an Xbox… but why? You already are making a Windows build so you can ship a Windows version, so why not only make the windows version and have your console just be a windows machine in an OS that will giver players a consistent experience.

  • Glad I’m not the only one.

    I like Stephen King’s work. But it’s pulp fiction. There’s a few really solid books from him, but he mostly writes for the masses.

    It’d be like if Dan Brown claimed this, or Stephanie Meyers. I’m only against this because I think it brings down the quality of the AI.

    It’s also wicked strange that so many of these authors hate this, but ignore how many authors grew up on their work, learned from it and tried to write in the same style (And failed). Stephen King is a unique brilliant author. He’s a good author because of the ideas and subjects of his book, not his writing style. An AI wouldn’t have created Misery with out it existed unless someone prompted it with that exact idea.