Lol, mostly we were messing around. There were 10 of us aboard. We did run a few bunkers for giggles though
All systems go, Full speed ahead! 🚀
Lol, mostly we were messing around. There were 10 of us aboard. We did run a few bunkers for giggles though
I mean this in the friendliest, most non-confrontational way; It sounds as though you’ve been fed quite a bit of misinformation, Biden is most definitely not Far Left. If you’d like me to elaborate I am willing.
This is definitely not “Liberal Economics”.
LOVING it!!! It’s very similar to reddit as far as content goes, but its better in the sense that im not being bombarded with rage bait!
I appreciate it a lot, its been a very hard decision and I’m worried im making a mistake. The largest concern is how to make enough money working part time while i study. Fortunately, i have a very supportive partner and without them i would have abandoned the prospect already
We handled his money for him while we knew what was going on. When the proedures inevitably brought the case to our department, our upper management and execs turned a blind eye.
I couldnt tell you details,I would if i knew them. Chase operates under a very segmented structure that prevents information from bleeding into one department to another. I found out in the news first, then brought my concerns to my manager
Posted some details below
In short: it was criminal negligence with intent to keep revenue streams flowing. I work as a Fraud Investigator, our sister department handles higher profile cases such as this.
Needless to say, the situation certainly faltered my trust in our processes, procedures, and integrity. So, I’m leaving lol. I dont have kids or anything so i’m able to make the leap into schooling
Living it right now, my sister department was caught up in the Jeffery Epstien situation. It came to light a few weeks ago after our company settled for 290 million.
I’m abandoning my success in this field to go back to school as a Nurse. Fuuuuuuck my company, and my field. Hoping i can be a benefit to humanity for a change.
Honestly, Less than I thought!
Compared to Forces, Frontiers is a masterpiece lol