Gaywallet (they/it)

I’m gay

  • 24 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • Don’t want to be defederated? Don’t let chuds and bigots on your instance. It’s pretty simple.

    While this is the main reason for defederation, I think it’s important to recognize that humans are going to human and as of such you’re going to have defederation over extremely petty issues. In human history we’ve literally started wars over petty issues, costing countless lives - defederating is small stakes in comparison.

    With that being said I agree with other posters that defederation is a tool. Just like any other tool it will be used in ways not everyone expects. A hammer can be used as a can opener if you really want. Or as art. Or in an elaborate machine. Tools may be designed for a purpose, but humans are creative and you can’t enforce that tools are only used in certain ways.

  • I’ve never heard a single person make this complaint and not also be okay with people talking a little bit about their own lives, or bring their background into what they’re talking about. People are people, and most people like to talk about their lives, or bring their own personal experiences into things.

    Perhaps you’re different, but I would be surprised to find a tech podcast which includes a completely life/human-sanitized space which includes absolutely no conversation about the hosts and talking only about tech. Can you suggest one to me?

    As an aside… pride-people? Is this a dutch thing?

  • I ‘adopted’ a cute femboy fox who came to SF at the beginning of pride month to experience a new city and life and cheer up from their depression. This is the fifth person I’ve ended up giving a spot to live for an undefined period of time and currently the third person at my house who isn’t paying rent. It’s weird to be in enough of a place of privilege to be able to give back in little ways like this.

    Reflecting on this, in my early twenties I used to hate living with other people- I found them mostly inconsiderate and I tolerated their presence only because they shared the rent. Over time I’ve realized it’s just that I wasn’t picky enough with who I wanted to live with. As I’ve given space away for free to people I care about, I’ve also realized just how extroverted I truly am and how much happier I am to be in a big loving household.

    Which is all a long preamble to just say I’m in a really good place right now and it seems like spending more of my life trying to chase happiness in the moment has lead to much more sustainable happiness in the long term too. Sacrificing happiness today for something in the future mostly just ends up making me not as happy overall.

  • To be clear I chose to state that because I want to acknowledge my own biases here and the fact that I’m often pressed for time and making a response/decision based on a report or an escalation from a mod and a quick glance of what’s going on. The more that you make it unequivocally clear that you’re operating in good faith (even past the point that it is warranted) the more likely I am act differently based on reports/escalations given the fact that I don’t really know you right now. I don’t want to assign blame to anyone here, merely to diffuse a situation which went off the rails. Hopefully that context helps you understand why I acted in the way that I did.