FanCityKnits 🇺🇦🧶

Spinnen, stricken, häkeln, weben - mit Fasern und Garn kreativ werden. Stricken und Häkeln habe ich als Kind gelernt, Spinnen kam ca. 2005 dazu und 2021 dann auch noch weben.

Spinning, knitting, crocheting, weaving - give me fiber or yarn and I’ll get creative. I learned to knit and crochet as a child, started spinning about 2005 and 2021 the weaving bug bit me.

#knitting #spinning #crochet #weaving #Handarbeiten #stricken #hakeln #fibercraft #wool #yarn

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2022


  • @CrayonMaster
    I think it’s confirmation bias.

    A lot of relationships break up at some point. A lot of people knit or crochet or quilt (I’ve seen this as blanket curse, too). So of course sometimes this breakup will happen just after a big project has been finished and gifted.

    Once you start asking around the internet some will have experienced it, some will have heard of a case where it happened ➡️ a new meme is created.