Sorry, I didn’t explain that well. The down payment was 30k each. But basically that’s all I’ve had to spend on the houses.
Sorry, I didn’t explain that well. The down payment was 30k each. But basically that’s all I’ve had to spend on the houses.
Nice, I hope the app is making enough to keep the updates coming.
I’m a land lord, did exactly what people say we all did. 15 years ago I bought two 200k homes for 30k each (30k was the down payment) the houses are worth over 600k each now… they are an income plan for my kids so they don’t have to necessarily worry about taking a better paying job instead of something they want to do. Probably a little naive now. But I run the houses at a bare minimum profit just so the government won’t come after me due running a loss on my taxes. I have raised rent only enough to do that. I pay for a property management firm to take care of the properties so that the tenants have 24 hour response to issues. I’ve had the same tenants for 12 years in both properties. Every 4 years or so I have one of the rooms that the tenants want renovated. It’s a right off so doesn’t costa fortune ava the house gets slowly updated. Not every landlord is an asshole. Some of us play the long game without screwing people. But I realize that I am part of the problem. I am part of the reason for less supply in the market. But selling my properties will make my children’s lives less secure and I’m not willing to do that. So i do partially deserve some of the blame.
Edited to add down payment info.
So when you ask if there is a point, I think it’s probably with reaching out to a local autism support group to explain your situation. I am in Canada and I have a son diagnosed with ASD. Currently we get a disability tax credit that provides tax relief that we can use to buy private services. As an adult you may qualify for a disability pension fun the government, all though i am not sure of that specifically. You didn’t mention how old you are, but I would guess you are an adult. Employers are required to protect your medical disclosures, if your condition may present difficulties working in social settings, the company would be obligated to provide accommodation, which could look like work from home or a more quiet work space. I have read quite a few posts on Reddit where adults feel relief from anxiety by allowing them to put a name to the issue they face. Schools deal with ASD all the time, and provide a number of accommodations for writing exams. So to answer your question, yes there are definitely reasons to get diagnosed, only you can really decide if you want to. I wish you all the best whatever you decide.
I don’t even get how someone can be anti-foss. I feel like it’s a necessity until a critical mass adopts the platform.
It appears to be hijacked by FOSS fans from what I see.
I just started watching this. It’s surprisingly good!
I think the majority of adults get tested are to A) work towards narrowing down therapies that work well did them, B) access funding from disability programs with the government. Do you have any desire to do either those things?
I mean, I get what you’re saying. And perhaps if my financial situation was better I could consider the option to offer the houses to the tenants. But as you suspect I will not trade my children’s financial security just to be charitable. The rent I charge is 30%-40% below market value. I suspect if you were in my position you wouldn’t be so inclined to give away your wealth either.