• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Once everything settles down and the boy is home, we’ll pick this back up? I’m also getting married on Friday. This week was supposed to be to relax before the big day…

    Bernie has an appointment for the procedure tomorrow and we’ve managed to raise £3,875 so far.

    We’ve also been contacted by someone at GoFundMe who says they were moved by our story and would like to reach out to some contacts in the media for us.

    We might be getting local/national news coverage, depending on if an outlet wants to pick up the story.

    In addition to the GoFundMe, we’re exploring finance and may have a loan, but we won’t know for sure until later this week - whereas the procedure should be going ahead tomorrow.

    A friend is running a tattoo giveaway at their studio, where the prize will be a full day session. Every £10 donation is an entry, and she has something like 50,000 followers!


    Our heads are spinning. We just want him well and home.

  • If anyone has visited the page, they will have seen that the situation here is that we’re raising funds for a procedure that will give Bernie an additional opening to urinate from. It’s a straightforward procedure, and it’s not a question about spending money for him to potentially suffer more. The money spent is to prevent him experiencing further blockages, which is what cause the pain and potential kidney failure, which can result in death. That’s why this is a life-saving surgery.

  • So while we’re hammering on with the fundraising activity, I’ve had this mulling over in the back of my mind and my initial thoughts are to utilize something like DocuSign, or something along those lines. At my work we developed something for the customers of our application to manage their signature required documents, which could be emailed out to the recipient, and they could digitally sign it before sending it back.

    We’re pretty stacked in terms of resource at the moment (deployment of a new application, upgrades, fixes and performance investigations across others), so I likely won’t be able to get a great deal of support from the team. But I’ll have a look at what our stuff looks like and see if there’s anything I can take as inspiration, or at the very least get some understanding of functionality.

    Is there a better way for us to communicate than here? I use ProtonMail, Signal, and more recently I’ve started getting into Mastodon. I know Discord is pretty good, but I have heard concerning rumours around their privacy policy. Do you have any preference? I also just got set up with Skiff, which has a good workspace solution, all E2E, and seems to just work. There’s also Jitsi Meet that I’ve been toying with with my friends, but haven’t really given it a great deal of use.

    Of course, if your preference would be to stay here for now, that’s totally fine (but do you have any recommendations for any web client? Just got onto a Windows Server laptop I’ve recently spun up, as I was struggling to keep up with everything on my mobile)

  • That would be cool. I primarily deal in SQL, and mostly handle first line support, but also deal with on-prem to hosted migration on AWS, I find and report bugs, raise tickets, test fixes, and do some account management type stuff with customers.

    I’ll loop back to this and if you’re still up for it, let’s get something going when all this madness has settled down.

  • I’m so sorry for your loss.

    Thank you so much for believing us, my WTB and I are blown away by the support we’ve had so far, and how amazing the response has been. We’ve been blubbering messes all afternoon.

    I promise you a follow up when we move this forward. We had a call from the Vet about half hour ago that his catheter is draining well and that his levels are good.

    At this pace we might end up being able to get this funded.

    Also I just discussed this with her and we’re going to share the documentation in our GoFundMe page, as you’re right, we should have something to evidence what we’re claiming.

    Thank you.