Still, want to mess around with my overkill hardware. :P
Still, want to mess around with my overkill hardware. :P
I fucking do
No. Songs sometimes are just plain shit. Other times, they actually rock. Still, we dont know whether that is part of the lore.
Gets off the boat, gets out his gun: “Let me show you a magic trick!”
USA participating in WW2 is one of the greatest net goods in history at the cost of millions of lives. Cant argue it was citizens sent into involuntary massacre. Neither can you argue how the most evil and horrible empires got dismantled then or eventually.
The overwhelming majority of the kernel development is heavily company financed. Are you saying that despite that, the very developer should get the stipend?
Lets make one thing clear, exponentially increasing wealth/power the higher you are in society is a pretty heavy general rule of thumb to beat, whicever way you try moving the seats.
Making such a system for devs will make a pretty wealthy class of people even more privileged with de facto rules that wont apply for the rest of society more in need of money and freedom, meaning actually owning the share of income from their work even over the pay the receive from the company.
Making this a general rule for everyone will more like reshuffle thungs but the exponentiality will in some form persist. If you inevitably fuck it up the implementation phase, it wont get better any bit. You will have the same miserable pay except you own your work. So what.
Yeeah, I figured 100% PCB is pretty expensive. I want to do the minimum 5 amount, non-assembled PCB.
My main issue is not selecting the PCB service, I primarily need PCB gerber files for 100% keyboards.
Lol I would like to heat my room with it.
Shit. Forgot the price. What if I can get 7950x for like ~500 and the 7950x3d for like ~700?
TBH I dont really like Homeoffice. Im not a social person and Homeoffice would make it even worse. I dont actually get why people love to stay home all week. It just feels wrong to me.
You might be lacking basic understanding of tribal politics and economics then. In a tribal setting you have to neutralise the other tribe, as you do not have a standing army. Any conflict you get into, you are “conscripting” your entire male population.
In every kind of tribal conflict ever, regardless of having the moral upperhand, it was a bogstandard way of conduct. You dont have men to be stationed in enemy territory, that is the manpower that is NEEDED in the fields the second its time to sow or reap, so you dont fucking starve.
So any conflict comes around, you need to make sure that once its over, you will be left the f alone. You have to really hit it home. Maybe thats not obvious, but the clans in this context are probably not NATO or even UN members. :)
Actually, slavery in its original form is also a net positive. You just murdered half a tribe. You cant let the other half just live. Neither do you want to murder them. Thus you will enslave them.
Hát én nem vagyok autista(/ának diagnosztizálva), de szerintem a prioritásaid kb a következők kellene legyenek:
Ezen túl nagyon nem tudok többet írni mert nekem is gondom van a szocializálással. :D Lassú gainekkel és önszántadból megtett lépésekkel tudsz előrehaladni.
Meg ha nem tudsz direkt megoldást találni az izolációra akkor le kell nyugtatnod magad. Én több mint fél éve antidepresszánst szedek mert minden nap fel kell kellnem és minden nap produktivitást kell leraknom az asztalra a társaságszerzés esélye nélkül. A lakásomon tudatmódosítókkal enyhítettem a magányomat, a szülői házban pedig szinte semmire sincs szükségem a napi stabilitáshoz.
Munkába járni sem teher hanem mégegy mód a szocializálásra és az emberek között működésre.
Hogy van hogy game enginet programozol és nem keresel eleget?
Bro. The shit he talked to people on all those Linux kernel mailing lists is in a whole different league. There was an entire subreddit dedicated to all the Torvalds rants. He wouldn’t survive a day working as a CEO.
Also he and Stallman both had to back off or resign in a way.
Yes it is worth it. I made a setup with an e5 v3 CPU a few months back. The CPU was without a doubt the biggest bottleneck in my system even if it is an 8 core one. It might still be okay as long as multitasking is key, but it TANKS per-core performance.
Battlefield V ran atrosciously with around half the FPS until I turned off mitigations.
If you have an older system, there is no doubt its worth it. It could be the difference between usable and trash.
Linux has Pulseaudio/Pipewire. You can stream audio on the network in arbitrary ways.
I have seen the soap opera effect on my Samsung oled, I just wonder if it can get any better if I have multitudes the processing power.
If it is reported, then it can be done. But my question is with what? :P