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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • To answer your first question: No I don’t think the person growing turnip that I can see from the street should be compensated for the photograph I sell of that turnip. What next ? should we also compensate his parents for teaching him how to grow turnip, or his grandparent for teaching his parents ? What about the architect who designed the house next door that you can see in the background of the photograph ? Should the maker of the camera be compensated every time I take a picture ?..

    Anyway back to AI:

    I think though that the AI model resulting from freely accessing all images should also be fully open source and that anyone should be allowed to locally execute it on their own hardware. Let’s use this to push for the end of Intellectual property.

  • That’s not exactly true. They are selling tools for people to recreate with variation.

    I propose an analogy: Let’s imagine a company sells brush that are used by painter to create art, now imagine the employees of this company go to the street to look how street artist create those amazing art piece on the ground for everyone to see (the artist does ask for donation in a hat next to the art pieces), now let’s imagine the employees stay there to look at his techniques for hours and design a new kind of brush that will make it way easier to create the same kind of art.

    Would you argue that the company should not be allowed to sell their newly designed brush without giving money to the street artist ?

    Should all your teachers be paid for everything you produce throughout your life ?

    Should your parents gets compensated every time you use the knowledge you acquired from them ?

    In case anyone reading is interested by my opinion: I think intellectual property is the dumbest concept, and one of the biggest scams of capitalism. Nobody should own any ideas. Everybody should be legally able to use anyone else’s ideas and build on them. I think we’ve been deprived of an infinity of great stories, images, lore, design, music, movies, shapes, clothes, games, etc… Because of this dumb rule that you can’t use other people’s ideas.

  • My understanding of its system is the following:

    Hosting data costs money, so in order to have a decentralised hosting system there need to be an incentive for people to contribute hardware. Developing apps/websites costs money.

    In the current internet, the incentive is that you can make money by harvesting people’s data (selling them to advertisers) and displaying ads to users.

    What maidsafe proposes is that users use some of their hardware to host data, get paid in a dedicated currency that they then use to access website/apps which remunerate app developper. In this manner everyone has an incentive: users have an incentive to host data to not pay anything, developpers have an incentive to make apps in order to get paid, company and stakeholders have an incentive to invest into the system in order to have a presence/visibility.

    I know nobody wants to pay to access the internet, but the truth is we already are paying for it, we just don’t realise it. If we want an ad-free internet there needs to be some other way users are paying for content, I think contributing CPU and HDD is a nice solution because it wouldn’t feel like paying.

  • My grand mother said kidney stones are way worse than giving birth.

    As a human equipped with testicules, I can confirm that (in my opinion) kidney stones are indeed way worse than getting hit in the balls.

    All genders can get them. So all genders can suffer excruciating pain. If you want to test it out simply start drinking lots of tea and water containing a high quantity of minerals (that’s not the same as “mineral water”), you can thank me later after you asked someone to “please hit me in the head with a shovel so I pass out” because of the pain.