Blake [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


    • 7zip (archive tool) People still use Winrar for whatever reason.
    • Firefox (web browser) - It’s well known but still under-used. Stop using chrome. Chrome will be the end of the free internet.
    • windirstat (visualise used disk space) - I use this to clear free space
    • musicbee (music player) - replaced VLC with this because VLC has had a bug that makes it not playback FLAC files properly for like… A year?
    • Screen2Gif (gif recorder & editor)
    • ShareX (screenshot/video tool)
    • Open Video Downloader (GUI tool to rip YouTube etc.)
    • uBlock Origin (ad-blocker) addon
    • Sponsorblock (sponsorship skipper) addon

  • See, what you’re having trouble with here is that you don’t want to support censorship, even though you do. You don’t like the connotations, so you find some excuse that makes it more comfortable for you. It’s cowardly and dishonest. The word means what it means. Call me a pedant, tell me I’m not adding to the conversation, I don’t care. You’re still supporting censorship whether you want to wear that label or not.

  • Blake [he/him]*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Whether I agree with you or not, technically, it is still censorship. Censorship is the limitations and restrictions on the freedom of expression, for example, prohibiting the publication of threats of violence is still a restriction on freedom of expression. It just happens to be censorship you agree with - that does not counteract the fact that it is censorship.

  • As SI prefixes, they’re all multiples of ten, technically speaking. So referring to 1,024 bytes as a kilobyte is incorrect, it’s 1.024 kilobytes or 1 kibibyte. Microsoft deciding to ignore industry and international standards is the reason for the confusion.

    But either way, hard drive manufacturers will sell a 1TB drive, and Windows will see that as a 935GB drive - that’s basically the difference between 2^40 bytes vs. 10^12 bytes

  • I’m not using Chernobyl as an example of anything. I’m mentioning it because a number of people died as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, therefore it has a bearing on the number of deaths caused by that source of power.

    nuclear is the cleanest, safest way to do it

    That is not true, and I have posted evidence demonstrating that it isn’t true.

    Also, IPCC says that all of our energy sources can be 100% renewable and that it’s totally viable. Sorry, but you’re not better informed on this topic than the experts. You’re no better than an anti-vaxxer with your science denial.

  • I’m ignoring fossil fuels because they’re obviously fucking terrible and both renewables and nuclear are an improvement over them, nobody questions that. The pro-nuclear lobby loves saying “it’s so much better than fossil fuels!” which is like explaining that a helicopter is faster than a car. Fossil fuels aren’t the competition for nuclear, renewables are.

    I already discredited the “Germany swapped nuclear for coal!” argument in the other thread which I’m guessing you already found since you’re claiming I’m German, for some reason. It’s not really an honest claim.

    Obviously, it’s bad that Germany is using coal, and nuclear would be better. You’ll get no argument from me about that. But when it comes to building new power plants there’s no good reason to use nuclear.

  • claiming there’s no downsides

    Compared to nuclear? Yes, no downsides. In general? It’s not perfect of course but the best option we have.

    having to invent solutions for the issue of production hours versus time of max useage

    That’s like saying “nuclear has to invent solutions for the issues of meltdowns, and getting nuclear fuel, and dealing with waste material, and dealing with extremely high risk targets, and risks of earthquakes, and risks of flooding, and the need to have extremely highly qualified operators, and extreme building costs”…. I could go on.

    Nuclear is the only reliable form of energy for humanity’s inevitable outward expansion

    Ah yes, because nuclear fissile material is more ubiquitous in the galaxy than light.

    The reason we haven’t invented a fusion plant that can pass the Q limit is because fusion never got funded for shit

    Absolute nonsense, you just made that up completely. Post a source.

    Calling nuclear wealthy is hilarious, neither group has oil & gas beat

    “Calling a billionaire wealthy is hilarious, that’s not even in the top 500 richest people”

    The nuclear industry is massively overfunded, they’ve consistently received billions in public money for years, and there’s basically nothing to show for it. It’s the carbon capture of electricity generation: cute idea, let’s keep researching it in hopes of a breakthrough, but in practice just a total waste of money at our current level of tech.