
  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • NC is a “Free City” in terms of it’s status within the structure of NUSA. Essentially, a territory they claim is theirs, but which they don’t actually have the means to exercise control over. So it just functions more or less autonomously.

    But it essentially functions as a Japanese Treaty Port in terms of military influence and is the point where East Asian and NUSA criminal and corporate organizations use to bring goods cheaply into and out of the NUSA market with both international and domestic corporations using Night City as a corporate tax haven and tariff-free port of entry. Smuggling is king as everyone seeks to skim their share off the goods as they move inland, each government agency or smuggler serving as competing “taxes” for entry into markets.

    NUSA has largely reunited in 2070, but NC is still one of the last holdouts, backed as it is with all the might of Arasaka and the threat of igniting a new Corporate War if NUSA were to try to annex it and actually attempt to assert influence over the city.

  • I could never get into The Witcher 3. I recognize that it’s purely a subjective thing, but it honestly feels like they handcrafted that game sitting there going “Well what would Action Bastard REALLY hate mechanically?”

    Just absolutely nothing clicked for me aside from bits of the story, and even that wasn’t really holding my attention all that well since I’ve already had a lot of exposure to Eastern European mythology and folklore and just don’t really care about any of the main characters.

    That said, some of the side quests were absolutely delightful in terms of being fun ideas. I just didn’t enjoy the minute to minute gameplay enough to be able to stick with it.