Been working on an EP and would like to get some feedback. I did sample something in there but it’s very subtle. Got about 95% of the song written before actually applying said sample…just felt it fit like a puzzle.
This is very much ambient…if that’s not your style I highly recommend skipping this. Other than that, if you have any polite feedback I’d appreciate it. Thank you and have a fantastic morning…
Edit: I recommend anyone to turn their volume down a couple clicks…unfortunately I overestimated the master volume during editing and I need to re-upload tomorrow.
Sorry I’m not much of an artist so I’m not sure how it all works. Is Bandcamp like Patreon for indie artists?
In a nutshell yes. It allows you to profit off of your own record/tracks without having to be signed to a label. You have full creative freedom over what you publish and how you sell it. If you’d like to use a pay what you want model and allow your listeners to pay as low as 10 cents for example, you can. Of course Bandcamp gets 15% of the earnings for hosting but it’s a fantastic way for indie artists to start.
Sounds like a great model. I guess we’re all trying to swim away from the clutches of big corps these days, much like what we’re doing here.