You’re pinning the “lunatic” flag on someone spreading a good message. Why?
In the spirit of the original reddit forum, I’m just pointing out someone who seems to be self-congratulating. It would be less “lunatic” to just do the deed and then not post about it. Your “Why?” seems rather pointed, as if I have some nefarious agenda against working from home.
I think the reasoning behind it is to counter the LinkedIn corporate slave driving culture where upper managers think everyone should be tied to their open air desk like dogs in a kettle so they can feel in control.
He’s trying to set an example for others to follow.
Who knows what their intentions are, but they’re still spreading a good message. And to be fair there is a difference between a fairly lax work from home policy and wanting to work from home permanently. It could also just be a smaller company where they don’t really have official policies for things that haven’t come up yet.
I’ve seen other people posting this exact copy as their own, word for word. Something’s off here