Let’s say we’re at a place where personal AI is a thing. You can have it speak with any voice from any person in history or any media without any copyright issues or the like. Who would you want to voice yours?
I’m going to go with a classic, Majel Barratt. When I think of AI, how we use it now and how we could use it in the future, the Computer voice in Star Trek TNG - Voyager seems like a perfect fit.
Mr. T
*Also Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashlo)
Classic! Fools will be pitied.
Shohreh would be pretty awesome, though I’d prefer to sprinkle some Quarian voice modulation in there as well.
Shohreh Aghdashlo is definitely my first pick.
Mine as well, and I thought I was being so original before I started reading the answers!