Love on the Spectrum (LotS), while it is still manipulated like all reality-TV, has helped me developed some major insight. I was watching the show, and after a few episodes, I said, “Finally, a show about normal people being normal.” Then, I started thinking that if the whole premise of the show is that it’s about not-normal people, what am I thinking? I had to think about it for a few days until I reached my conclusion.

My whole life, I thought that fiction and reality-TV and movies (known as TV for the rest of this post) were so weird. I would call it propaganda and population control. To me, it was a way to get the masses to all behave a certain way. It was never anything like what people are normally like. TV characters try to be cool, play social games with each other, be mean to the weak to appear strong, conform to trends, try their hardest to assimilate a prescribed standard of beauty, etc. There were good messages too, like be nice to each other, don’t overtly lie, have morals, here’s how you resolve disputes in a healthy mutual manner, etc. Still, it was not real-life. It was not how people naturally behaved. When I would interact with people and they started acting like people on TV, I would tell them that they are acting too much like the people on TV and could probably benefit from watching TV less. When asked by someone if I think that other people will like what they are planning on wearing, I have seriously responded with, “What…are you competing in a popularity contest like on TV? Who cares what other people think? Wear what you like.” People would be upset about this, but I was proud that I “helped them see that they were being inauthentic/brainwashed”. Despite my views of TV though, I still enjoyed it for its entertainment value, but I naturally gravitated towards science shows and documentaries.

What LotS helped me realize is that…No! TV is really how “normal” people are. NTs really behave like the shows on TV. Maybe they’re not exactly like TV depicts, but they are very similar. They have their hierarchies, manipulative games, implicit/indirect communication, popularity contests, confusions, morals, small talk…all that. In my example above, the person deciding on what to wear was in a popularity contest like on TV! I made the NT-cultural mistake of explicitly pointing it out, which they understandably considered rude. Overall though, through internal and external selection biases, my life was inadvertently designed to include autistic-friendly people, which behave differently from people on TV. Either my friends were autistic or behaved with me in an autistic-friendly manner. In my personal life, I saw that non-TV-people didn’t act like those on TV, so when someone would act like TV, I thought they were brainwashed rather than NT. The whole time, I was the “weird” one insisting that the world itself was “weird”. OMG. I’m cracking up! 😆

Like all of life’s lessons, I’m still building on this, so I would appreciate any input or additions. Am I wrong? Did I make an illogical connections? Am I missing anything?

Also, has anyone else been through something similar?

    1 year ago

    Oh my god! This is Theory of the Mind! What you’re referring to as the ‘conception of the reality of others’ is I think what is called Theory of the Mind!

    I was chasing the idea down through google-available scholarly journals the other day. The theory of the mind is the ability for a person to understand others don’t share the same experience of reality as themselves. This is something that people develop around three or four years old. I was reading about how the possession of language affects the development and retention of this ability that humans are supposed to achieve.

    It’s easier for me to describe my understanding of Theory of the Mind by explaining the way it’s tested for in children.

    The test proctor shows the child where they hide an object in a room, then leaves the room. While the proctor is outside, another person comes into the room and moves the object from where it is hidden to some other place, the child is watching them do this. The proctor returns to the room to retrieve the object and someone asks the child where the proctor will look. Children who haven’t reached the mental development / maturity where they recognize others aren’t simply copies of themselves will answer that the proctor will look where the child saw it moved. Children who have obtained a ‘theory of the mind’ will know the proctor didn’t see the object moved and will look first for it where the child saw the proctor hide it.

    I was ruminating on this and thinking how Theory of the Mind is the missing piece to so much of the culture war bullshit conservatives obsess over;

    • When a homeless person who doesn’t ‘look’ disabled is begging for money, they know the person is just lazy;

    Because laziness is the only reason they would beg on the street ‘obviously’ laziness is the only reason a person would beg!

    • When somebody has an undiagnosed mental health issue and is discussing suicide, that person is just making immature and manipulative threats;

    Nobody has a mind that doesn’t work exactly like theirs and since they can’t imagine craving suicide this person’s reasons are obviously fabrications!

    • They can’t understand that male-bodied persons who identify as anything-other-than-male would want to use women’s restrooms for any reason other than horny rape shit because that’s what they would do!;

    They don’t understand that different people have different reasons and desires and haven’t lived exactly the same life as them.

    • BOMBS@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 year ago

      They can’t understand that male-bodied persons who identify as anything-other-than-male would want to use women’s restrooms for any reason other than horny rape shit because that’s what they would do

      Yes!! Adding to this, when someone accuses me of nefarious intent out of nowhere, I take it as a note of that’s would that person would intend if the roles were reverse. For example, if someone accuses me of cheating ro wanting to cheat, note taken: this person is likely to cheat.