No work? They host, maintain and provide access to a massive catalogue of subtitles providing metadata needed for matching media to subs and up until recently we’re giving free access to everyone. Might I suggest if you care about your wife’s access to subtitled movies this much that maybe you should buy the 10 euro per year subscription for her to help keep the platform alive? Alternatively you can find a subtitles group that does all this for free and choose to solely download their subs (also I assume donating to them since you’re so appreciative of their work).
No work? They host, maintain and provide access to a massive catalogue of subtitles providing metadata needed for matching media to subs and up until recently we’re giving free access to everyone. Might I suggest if you care about your wife’s access to subtitled movies this much that maybe you should buy the 10 euro per year subscription for her to help keep the platform alive? Alternatively you can find a subtitles group that does all this for free and choose to solely download their subs (also I assume donating to them since you’re so appreciative of their work).