This comes to no surprise to anyone who has played their Persona series or Catherine. I’m just bringing it up again because I went back to play Persona 3 Portable because of all the remake news and while P3P might have the least overall issues it does still have a transwomen being portrayed as a predator. They also having the character have stubble as their not so subtle way of point out this character is trans.
Like I said there are way worse examples in their games. Persona 4 has a FTM character where the main character can active force to basically detransition.
Then there is Erica from Catherine. I love Erica and they way the character make back handed comments and even make fun of a character for dating her really irritates me.
Anyways rant over. What are your thoughts on this?
More than anything I’m tired of the men vs women approach. I’ve had men make me feel shitty, and other women. Being a bad person is not exclusive to gender and it’s ridiculous to think that gender works like a hivemind.
I suppose I grew up being interested in neutral interests (or didn’t care about the stereotypes of an interest) so I felt like people were more individual than the gender they have.