This comes to no surprise to anyone who has played their Persona series or Catherine. I’m just bringing it up again because I went back to play Persona 3 Portable because of all the remake news and while P3P might have the least overall issues it does still have a transwomen being portrayed as a predator. They also having the character have stubble as their not so subtle way of point out this character is trans.
Like I said there are way worse examples in their games. Persona 4 has a FTM character where the main character can active force to basically detransition.
Then there is Erica from Catherine. I love Erica and they way the character make back handed comments and even make fun of a character for dating her really irritates me.
Anyways rant over. What are your thoughts on this?
From what I understand these homophobic events were the product of the director of Persona 3,4,5,Catherine
He’s gone for Persona 6, so there is a chance that game won’t be problematic as someone else will be in charge. Now, will that new person also be problematic, that remains to be seen, but I only hope they are not.
Though I see he’s in charge of the newly announced, Metaphor: ReFantazio, so we are not entirely free of his influence.
This is good to know. Hopefully there will be a change in these games.