So i may or may not get into game dev but im thinking of using a fantasy console becasue of lua or maybe godot becasue everyone says to use godot i guess. ive treid running unreal, unity on my low en dpc but they just dont work also there not really open source and open source is cool. i havent really made a game before i usally just copy and paste code from the internet or chatgpt… also id ther eanything else you want to share like what are beginner ideas, how didi you learn, or whatever thing you think of.

im not even sure if i want to get into game dev or not but it seems interesting.

    1 year ago

    What’s your coding background? Like any languages specifically?

    I’m not a game dev but I teach computer science so I’ve looked into game dev as a way to spark student interest. Godot is also the one I’ve heard recommended most frequently, but it seems like it helps to have some knowledge of design tools. And of course you’ll be learning their proprietary language.

    I’ve played around with PyGame before, which is a library for the Python language. It was easy to start with and great for small projects. You’re probably not going to be making a commercial product with it (although there are one or two commercial games made with PyGame) but you’ll learn more about programing than you will with a complete have engine like Godot or Unreal.

    I’ll also put in a plug for Love since you mentioned Lua. Never used it but I hear great things.