I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t seen ABAP in 10 years and was only briefly familiar with it. But I did what one does and asked GPT4 for some tax computation ABAP.
DATA: lv_income TYPE P DECIMALS 2VALUE'50000',
lv_tax_rate TYPE P DECIMALS 2,
lv_tax_amount TYPE P DECIMALS 2.*Select the appropriate tax rate from the tax table based on income
WHERE INCOME >= lv_income
IF sy-subrc =0.
lv_tax_amount = lv_income * lv_tax_rate /100.
WRITE: /'Income:', lv_income,
/'Tax Rate:', lv_tax_rate,
/'Tax Amount:', lv_tax_amount.
WRITE: /'No tax rate found for income', lv_income.
Oh that looks awful. Maybe it’s just because I don’t know how to read it, but the fact that it is similar to SQL (definitely pronounced sequel at this time) messed with my head
Can you bleach my eyes with some really bad ABAP code? I’ve never seen ABAP and I want to feel scared
Let me introduce you to Cobol …
Classic ASP for the win …
No, pleeease grandpa, I don’t wanna sweep the cobwebs off the server rack
I’m not gonna lie, I haven’t seen ABAP in 10 years and was only briefly familiar with it. But I did what one does and asked GPT4 for some tax computation ABAP.
DATA: lv_income TYPE P DECIMALS 2 VALUE '50000', lv_tax_rate TYPE P DECIMALS 2, lv_tax_amount TYPE P DECIMALS 2. * Select the appropriate tax rate from the tax table based on income SELECT SINGLE TAX_RATE INTO lv_tax_rate FROM ZTAX_TABLE WHERE INCOME >= lv_income ORDER BY INCOME ASCENDING. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_tax_amount = lv_income * lv_tax_rate / 100. WRITE: / 'Income:', lv_income, / 'Tax Rate:', lv_tax_rate, / 'Tax Amount:', lv_tax_amount. ELSE. WRITE: / 'No tax rate found for income', lv_income. ENDIF.
Oh that looks awful. Maybe it’s just because I don’t know how to read it, but the fact that it is similar to SQL (definitely pronounced sequel at this time) messed with my head
Oh my, that’s an abomination, I’m literally squinting my eyes to read it. That
tho, that’s where I draw the line °~°