“Flatter than Flandre? How is that even physically possib-”

Came across this when making a shitpost, so decided to typeset some translations already on Danbooru.

That look on Remilia had better not awaken anything…

TL notes:

  1. Translation adapted from Danbooru.
  2. The second speech bubble from the right looks a bit scuffed with that thicker outline due to minor edits during typesetting.
  3. In the words of Gen Z slang, the fifth speech bubble could be translated as “So wake up quickly… or we’re gonna spill the tea…!”
  4. Sound effects for second panel: “Poof poof” (lit: “Poo poo”)

Artist Commentary: Flan’s sister-stirring project involving the Head Maid.

This piece is untitled.

Source is untitled by かわやばぐ (NSFW)