Even when crypto has a use it is still bullshit because most of crypto is an elaborate scam. It’s hard to see Monero having value when the entire field of crypto is built upon fraud. If the coinholders of Monero never held any other crypto it could be different but it isn’t.
The problem is the investment in monero is still the same cryptobros whose “money” is tied up in the scamcoins including the stablecoins which are obvious scams. That makes the whole thing bullshit.
I disagree, Monero has real world usecases
Even when crypto has a use it is still bullshit because most of crypto is an elaborate scam. It’s hard to see Monero having value when the entire field of crypto is built upon fraud. If the coinholders of Monero never held any other crypto it could be different but it isn’t.
Monero was created in 2014 specifically because of all the problems you mentioned upon crypto. Monero specifically stops those scams through stuff like stopping asics to prevent individuals to get hold of the majority of the blockchain.
I actually didn’t like crypto because most implementations were stupid but MonerO The Monero faq explains why Monero doesn’t have a lot of the scammy parts of cryptowas the first coin I discovered that I actually like
The problem is the investment in monero is still the same cryptobros whose “money” is tied up in the scamcoins including the stablecoins which are obvious scams. That makes the whole thing bullshit.
Cryptobros actually seem to hate Monero
The real-world usecase is to make very few people very rich IRL. Just like any other crypto scam.
Tell me you know nothing about Monero without telling me you know nothing about Monero
That’s right, luckily I don’t.