Every time I see this phrase it makes me wonder, if the libre software grants the user a right to redistribute itself wouldn’t that imply that it is both free as in speech and as in beer?
I mean, it may be sold, sure, but it would work more like donation, since you also can get a copy from another user instead.
I don’t often hear it called libre software, but I like it. Better than open source or free software. I’m glad this kind of discussion is back again. It’s more important than ever with the increasingly clear unfolding corporate takeover of the Internet.
It’s called LIBRE software.
Because its not free as in free beer.
It works better in other languages.
e.g. Es ist frei, nicht kostenlos.
Freibier ist aber kostenloses Bier.
Removed by mod
Excusé moi, je ne parle pas impérialisme???
See how that sounds?
Sorry I don’t speak frog, can you repeat in English???
Non parlo genocidio degli indiani, puoi ripetere in italiano?
Mega basato
Io uso arco comunque
(scherzo uso Linuxio menta, funziona ebbasta)
El Mao, la mia faccia quando Arco esiste davvero.
La menta comunque va duro, anche se in genere le distro basate (?) su Ubunto non mi attizzano troppo
Every time I see this phrase it makes me wonder, if the libre software grants the user a right to redistribute itself wouldn’t that imply that it is both free as in speech and as in beer?
I mean, it may be sold, sure, but it would work more like donation, since you also can get a copy from another user instead.
I don’t often hear it called libre software, but I like it. Better than open source or free software. I’m glad this kind of discussion is back again. It’s more important than ever with the increasingly clear unfolding corporate takeover of the Internet.