Hello everyone, my first post here. First of all, I don’t have a job, I’ve never worked (I’m 20 years old), and I have no idea how to go about getting my first job. What would you recommend? Do you have any tips on how to conduct myself in a job interview? Any advice on how to feel less anxious?

  • Zeth0s@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I am from a place where there are no many jobs (at your age it is impossibile to find a real job). To get my real first job I had to emigrate, get a PhD grant as a foreign student, get a PhD and emigrate again.

    It paid off on the long term, but I wouldn’t suggest the same if you have the luxury to live in a country with jobs. Mainly because emigrating is tough as you always need to prove everyone that you are better than the local competition, but in a language that is not yours.

    To get a job interview, create a good cv (ask support to chatgpt), and spam it. Getting interviewed, unless you come from a big university, is a statistical problem. Maximize your chances, apply to as many jobs as possible, without too much care.

    Doing an interview is a job itself that you learn with practice. You’ll fell less anxious as you do more interviews.

    Before going, prepare a set of answers for common questions and read about the company. Ask chatgpt for help on preparing the answers