• Lemminary@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Cite reliable sources proving it’s “another state-owned media outlet that promotes its own nation” or at least give us a demostrable example.

    • GarbageShootAlt2@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Why would the government support one of its own appendages acting for decades against its own interest in public reporting? Can you show me a single case of it seemingly acting against the interest of the government to which it belongs? Because all I see on the front page right now is speculation on what Russia “Could Be Preparing”, talking about how China’s “Dismal Foreign Minister Reflects Turmoil”, one about “Chinese Spy Ships” oh and the Chinese economy “Facing New Difficulties,” along with a Russia/DPRK story. idk, it seems to toe the line pretty strictly.

      I can give it the most marginal credit in terms of headlines for a few articles down the page

      "As Taiwan Election Heats Up Young Voters Flock to Third-Party Candidate "

      I’m surprised they aren’t more defensive of DPP, but then reading the article I see that the angle is apparently attacking the KMT and taking the new third party, the TPP, as a viable alternative that is still generally following western interests and hilariously promises to promote a “color revolution” in Taiwan along with class third-positionist nonsense about “divisiveness” that liberals always seem to fall for. TPP seems most in line with the “de-risking” line favored by the Biden administration rather than the more extreme “delinking” or the left wing “actual diplomatic engagement”.

      "Cambodian Ream Naval Base Modernized by China Nears Completion: Defense Ministry "

      I’m surprised this isn’t framed in a more threatening manner, let’s see how it opens:

      PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA — Cambodian officials say renovation work on a naval base in the coastal city of Sihanoukville is nearly complete, but U.S. officials have voiced suspicions the facility, being upgraded by China, will be used exclusively by China’s military.

      Suspicions about China’s intentions for the Ream naval base were raised after satellite imagery showed that a major pier capable of anchoring aircraft carriers had been constructed on the site.

      There we are. The rest is slightly softer but continues a tone of fearmongering.

      • Lemminary@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Can you show me a single case of it seemingly acting against the interest of the government to which it belongs?

        You’re asking for a very tall order considering that, having listened to US news most morning for the past three years, I can’t recall of a single mainstream US or foreign news outlet that has done that. Not even DW does that from Berlin. I don’t think that’s how the mainstream news operates, tbh.

        But if you ask, “do they report critical news on the US”?

        Then the answer is yes. It’s largely criticizing Gov. Abbott’s move as unethical and dangerous, which is true. I even checked other largely unbiased news sites like NPR and their reporting is on par. (Don’t even try to pretend that NPR is another shill news outlet. Spare me the eye rolling.)

        along with class third-positionist nonsense about “divisiveness” that liberals always seem to fall for

        I honestly find your entire assessment more biased, nit-picky, and exaggerated than the article itself.

        I’m surprised this isn’t framed in a more threatening manner,

        It’s the second time you act surprised that they didn’t meet your expectations of an overt propaganda channel.

        but continues a tone of fearmongering.

        Does it, though? I’m not saying it can’t be subtle, but let’s browse Newsmax or any of the extremist, domestic news outlets for a second and draw a comparison for what it really could be, and then reassess if it really fits the shoe.

      • Lemminary@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        What about it? You can’t just link to a page with a thousand words on it and pretend that it all proves your point. Elaborate.

        • Hexadecimalkink@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          Oh sorry, read the first paragraph on that page. You don’t need to read anything else. Usually when someone shares a link I read the first few sentences if there’s no further explanation.

          • Concetta@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            1 year ago

            Voice of America (VOA) is the largest U.S. international broadcaster, providing news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated weekly audience of more than 326 million people. VOA produces content for digital, television, and radio platforms. It is easily accessed via your mobile phone and on social media. It is also distributed by satellite, cable, FM and MW, and is carried on a network of more than 3,500 affiliate stations.

            That’s the first paragraph. What are you talking about?

        • edward@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          lol you didn’t even bother clicking the link did you?

          VOA is part of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM), the government agency that oversees all non-military, U.S. international broadcasting. It is funded by the U.S. Congress.

          • Lemminary@lemmy.ml
            1 year ago

            you didn’t even bother clicking the link did you?

            I mean, ditto for not bothering to exposit your point earlier

            But then:

            The United States Agency for Global Media (USAGM) … is an independent agency of the United States government that broadcasts news and information. It is considered an arm of U.S. diplomacy.


            In the United States government, independent agencies are agencies that exist outside the federal executive departments (those headed by a Cabinet secretary) and the Executive Office of the President.  In a narrower sense, the term refers only to those independent agencies that, while considered part of the executive branch, have regulatory or rulemaking authority and are insulated from presidential control, usually because the president’s power to dismiss the agency head or a member is limited.


            And while it’s true that Obama restructured the agency to operate under a single CEO appointed by him and Congress in 2008 rather than a bipartisan board, and was briefly caught serving some arguably innocuous political ads on Facebook to Americans violating the Smith-Mundt Act (brief pause to applaud the US for protecting its citizens), its reach and influence is largely limited to countries that have strict censorship laws.

            I’ve yet to see something even remotely comparable to the egregious ethical violations that RT practices on the daily. Most of the times I’ve seen it mentioned online is by people using the big scary word propaganda to discredit whatever they publish. And when push comes to shove, all they have to show for it is “well, it’s government-funded” and act all surprised when their headlines are milder than they had imagined, or cry out that their content is sending subliminal messages to advance Western Ideals for Democracy because they didn’t like the wording. And to that I’d like to say, y’all have worse reporting coming from within the house from more than one outlet. This is a weird scapegoat to single out solely for its funding. Actually point out something it has done instead if we’re gonna keep ourselves honest here.