Basically, what Anime do you find yourself really enjoying and coming back to, but you don’t really ever get to recommend because it just isn’t actually that great by any measurable standard, or is just so niche that nobody else actually cares about it.

Personally, I make this post after my meatspace friend caught me binging arpeggio of blue steel for the millionth time and joking about how it would be my favorite show if it weren’t for all the actually good ones. Boat laser go brrr, I guess

    1 year ago

    Non Non Biyori It’s almost as slice of life as it gets and is full of cute girls. When I need something to clear my mind from negativity this is my go-to anime. Because of how down to earth it is it’s not for everyone because there’s nothing much exciting happening the majority of the time, but I can’t get enough watching these girls having a great life.

    Almost at the same spot would be Yuru Yuri where my darling Akari is from, which is my go-to anime If I need a laugh.

    1 year ago

    This probably wont resonate with many other people, but it hit real close to home for me.

    I grew up in a real small town out in the sticks and all I ever wanted to do was leave, so when I got outa school thats exactly what I did. Went to the city with big dreams and in no time I crashed and burned in glorious fashion. Someone offered me work in a different small town about 100 miles in the other direction of where I came from to begin with and being desperate to like…eat…and keep living, I took it. That was 15 years ago, and that little 1 horse town is where I still live today. I own a successful business (the kind that does very well in a small town) and I travel a lot and see anything I wanna see and do anything I wanna do but I don’t see myself ever calling anywhere else home.

    And that pretty much is the exact plot of Sakura Quest, and it is my favorite anime despite being, by all accounts, relatively mediocre.