• kshade@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    I’ve seen these sentiments a lot, usually not spelled out like this though. I think the unease often comes from associating anthropomorphic animals with children’s media exclusively. That way it seems scandalous that there is an adult component to the subculture. Pretty much every subculture/fandom has that, of course, but people don’t seem to mind as much when it’s anime, goths and so on.

    The fact that they insist it isn’t sexual, when it clearly is at least for many.

    In my experience people push back against that characterization because the existence of an adult component seems to make everything else disappear or read as dishonest for some people. There is plenty of perfectly innocent, family-friendly content and we genuinely like it for that, not as a sex thing. Those things can coexist just fine with neither diminishing the other.

    feeling like if I saw a dominatrix and her sub licking her heels in a McDonalds

    If you remove the sex/fetish stuff from the BDSM community you’d really have nothing left, if you remove it from furries you’d still have a group of people who really love anthropomorphic animal characters, just not also in that way.

    Also, ew, who goes to McDonald’s?

    The fact that everyone wants to be an animal and for many that is sexual is uhh…not not creepy

    If we just roll with that, what do you think about all the people who fetishize vampires, for example? That’s pretty much mainstream now (not just because of Twilight) and it’s literally undead, blood drinking, mind controlling monsters.

    "Idk the guy who stabbed me was like…some blue dog or wolf thing, goddammit.” Lol

    You’ll be relieved to know that most people in costume can’t see or hear very well, so you’ll have the advantage in a knife fight.

    An insignificant portion of furries are actual literal nazis.

    Yeah, in open groups with tens of thousands of members you’ll have some bad people, not really surprising is it? Look at anime, comics, warhammer, … anything nerdy and not-so-nerdy, they are there too.

    • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      5 hours ago

      That might be part of it, I have to admit people who want to fuck rainbow sprinkles or whatever that MLP horse’s name is are also similarly creepy to me. I almost can understand if the cartoon is more humanoid but, like people who were going crazy over rule 34 of that cop rabbit? Dude…little weird, and not in a good way.

      I agree those things can coexist, but when for a significant portion of the people it is sexual it is going to taint the meaning naturally. Especially if there’s not really a clear delineation, like for example: diapers. There’s many people (guaranteed most diaper wearers and I’m only talking adults), for whom it isn’t sexual. If you see an old guy with a puff in his pants, you can assume pretty well he just medically needs them. But it’s pretty easy to spot someone who, instead of needing them, is one of those ADBL guys if you see them on the subway. For furries, they all look the same, there is no “tell” like a bib and pacifier. If there was, I’d only be creeped out by the sexual ones, but I just can’t tell, and the pageantry of it all just makes it all feel more like the ADBL crew.

      Oh no I’m not saying “no kink allowed ever,” that’d be crazy! I’m just saying “keep kink behind closed doors (at least reasonably, like, a sex club is technically ‘public’ but it’s obviously OK, I mean like not at the park lol.)” Fair about McDonalds haha I haven’t been myself in years, just an example of a public place where it’s reasonable not to be subjected to others’ kinks.

      Yeah I do also think the vampire fetishists are pretty creepy, or can be especially depending how into it they are. Bloodplay is actually one of my few hard No’s (along with scat because ew, and gun/knifeplay because not “safe”). But if they just want me to wear a cloak and bite their neck a little, and maybe say “I vant to fuck your butt” in a fake Romanian accent, I can work with that (well, can I without laughing remains to be seen lol).

      Lol, the stabbing part was more of a joke, and as I said that isn’t exclusive to furries but anyone with a full mask/full costume, but since furries fall into that category they’re included, the anonymity does make it hard to report things, (which IRL would probably be like they grabbed someone’s butt or something but sexual assault isn’t as funny as stabbings as far as jokes go).

      Very true, but it seems like it’s a larger proportion than normal, though I must admit that could simply be because there are more say comic fans than furries, so the nazis are better drowned out, maybe. Still though I’ve seen enough that on the rare chance I do see another furry in the wild (well, I’ll probably just stay away, but barring that) I’d have to figure out if they’re one of the horny or racist ones before I feel comfortable with “ah no they seem like a…well not normal person but at least they won’t hump my leg or bust out a ‘roman salute.’”

      How does that even work, btw? The nazi ones are all blonde dogs? Do they hate people who dress as rats/mice? Do they say “the scalies will not replace us?” Lmao sorry I can’t resist making fun of nazis here and there haha.

      • kshade@lemmy.world
        2 hours ago

        I agree those things can coexist, but when for a significant portion of the people it is sexual it is going to taint the meaning naturally.

        What do you think about other groups then? There’s plenty of people cosplaying characters from media, sometimes in a very tame way, sometimes very much not. Those can be the same people, in the same outfits, minutes apart. You have people cosplaying Princess Leia in basically lingerie, is that alright?

        maybe say “I vant to fuck your butt” in a fake Romanian accent, I can work with that

        [Insert words of judgement here]

        The nazi ones are all blonde dogs? Do they hate people who dress as rats/mice?

        Nah, they are just your average white supremacists except they also have a fursona. It doesn’t have to be intermeshed like that.

        • ArcaneSlime@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          54 minutes ago

          Surely you can see that dressing up as a character like that is different from furries. First of all, there’s a lot more people that do that specifically for “halloween” or “for this photoshoot” or “for a con” than “let’s go to Target on March 07th dressed as Slave Leia and do creepy stuff” which, yeah, I’d have similar questions about wtf was going on if that was a thing that ever happened. Like yeah if I go to comic con or whatever and people are dressed like comic characters? Ok. If I go to furcon or whatever and see furries, cool. If I go to the coffee shop and see either a furry or someone being creepily sexual as some comic person, you betcha I’m equally creeped out either way. Idk why it seems to be hard for people to parse.

          “Ah, you vill not judge me for my kinks, bleh bleh bleh, vatch me suck ze blood from my victims in public, I don’t care if you think ve should take it somewhere appropriate! Watch us do ze Mash, ve do ze Monster Mash right here in front ov everyone.”

          And yeah probably but that’s less funny.