i’m going to design and build a “programmer’s numpad”, because I’m sick of awkward hand movements for writing brackets with numbers and commas and spaces etc. here’s the first draft. make your modifications here: http://www.keyboard-layout-editor.com/#/ i’m thinking of adding another column, putting something between the numbers and the plus/minus.
I feel like it’s too tall, the ergonomic are off. Any alternative versions?
Edit: to add onto this if there’s space for a small shift key that would probably be a good addition
deleted by creator
I think that makes sense, I mean we can really just replace the space bar with a shift key since it’s somewhat redundant to have keys which are easily accessible from the left side of the keyboard. Then all bracketing would be just one hand motion.
sort of rock your hand as you instantiate an array
now that’s a good idea
Pinkie on the shift, hit the square bracket with your thumb
Right shift is nearby if you prefer hand stretches over using both hands
I would remove the numlock and put it out of the way, you don’t need that key when typing and it takes up a spot where something more important could be like &, $, !, ?, #, ~ > < % ^
agreed. i kind of neglected those characters initially but will add them now
From where I’m sitting it seems like less work to use a modifier key and stay around my normal hand position, than to lift up my hand and move over to the num pad every time I need to type a bracket.
Maybe there is a standard keyboard layout that can provide more optimal placement of secondary functions of keys with modifiers, to make it less awkward, rather than what is essentially a macro pad with single character macros.
Of course the weakness of any such customization is that you can no longer walk up to a random computer and be productive.
My modifier layer for my left hand is:
{ } ( ) % & | : ; $ < > [ ] #
give it hexadecimal input. something like https://ipv6buddy.com/
aahh, now that would be interesting. i’ve always liked that all the letters of hex happen to be on lefthand side of keyboard anyway. instead of adding new keys i think i’d rather have A-F be shift of 0-5
I would put the zero in the middle and have the period and comma on either side.
Where’s the copy and paste key?
You’re a programmer, be efficient!
Why press two buttons when one button do trick?fair point. recall that this is the first draft. i’ll post the second draft today.
Macro it boiii
here’s the markup:
[{a:7},"`\n~",{a:4},"(\n",")","\\\n|"], [{a:7},",",{a:4},"[\n{","]\n}","="], ["Num Lock","/","*","-",{x:0.25,f:4,w:14,h:5,d:true},""], [{f:3},"7\nHome","8\n↑","9\nPgUp",{h:2},"+"], ["4\n←","5","6\n→"], ["1\nEnd","2\n↓","3\nPgDn",{h:2},"Enter"], ["0\nIns",",",".\nDel"], [{w:2},"Space", ";\n:"]