I found this post really helpful to anyone who is using tmux
If you’re using Neovim as well as tmux, telescope-tmux is pretty awesome for switching sessions, windows and more.
Very nice, thanks. But I’m not always inside neovim to use this plugin tho
You don’t have to already be inside of Neovim.
Tmux 3.2’s new display-popup command is a neat way to access the telescope picker when you are outside of Neovim.
source: https://github.com/camgraff/telescope-tmux.nvim#use-with-tmux-display-popup
You can just set up a keybinding, and a new instance of Neovim will start in a popup window inside of Tmux.
There’s a fractional delay while Neovim starts up, but I find it well within tolerance, personally.
nice, I’ll check it out
I don’t know how I missed this. Ty!
I’ve only used the builtin
, and haven’t had the need for anything more (I usually only have one session, maybe 3 at most) but this gives me ideas to iterate over all open panes with previews given byfzf --preview 'tmux capture-pane -p -t {}'
.Yeah, whatever fits you, I usually open each repo in seperated session with tmux-sessionizer so fuzzy find session is useful