Do people want to see more positive posts? Do you feel the negative affects of doom scrolling?

    2 years ago

    A lot of people seem very pessimistic about the future in general, because they are bombarded with negative posts, news, messages, etc. 24/7. This is imho one of the most devastating effects modern technology (i.e. internet, smartphones, social media) has on our culture today. This technology is so effective, because it exploits the fundamental mechanism of our psychology and neurology. Until we collectively decide to reduce the use of those technologies (some would even say we destroy them completely) and start opposing this trend, we will always be negatively affected by them.

    This short video may be relevant in this context: Why social media preys on negativity

    Here’s the thing:

    We don’t live in the end times, with the doomsday clock just about to hit twelve! In fact, we may even never lived in better times, depending which metric you apply, and we still have much better times ahead, if we don’t dwell too much on negativity, but keep our optimism and start working towards a better future.