Hard to choose a favorite element, the Mc Escher macaroni, the swordless king of spades, the unified houses of spades & hearts under their androgynous queen, the well known face card ace of hearts or the angstrom of black butts…
You see the other results I got… at least this hand is an actual blackjack. The rest of them were pure nonsense.
EDIT: actually, here they are, for your entertainment:
It’s not a blackjack. Blackjack is 21 with 2 cards only.
After reviewing the rules once more (it’s been a while since I played), I stand corrected.
It is, however, a winning hand (as long as no one else has a 2 card 21).
Ah, yes, the Quing of SpadeHearts. The best card in the entire deck by far.
Idk, I think I prefer spade-assapple