I recently went to the CBD shop of my choice “High Society” and they offered me a new product called RAF Weed. Zero information in store or even on the packaging.

The German website also lacks a real explanation. After some digging around, I found some French articles discussing it. It seems like RAF is a derivative of HHC. According to high society, it is:

“Stronger and more intense than CBD, RAF - which stands for Rapid Absorption Formula - is aimed at the more initiated THC users and former users.” (translated)

It was sold to me as “CBD” and overall I was unhappy with the lack of information I was given, considering even HHC is still very much an unregulated minefield of shitty weed and shady sellers.

As there is almost no Information on RAF apart from french articles, I just wanted to warn you guys to stay safe and take care. ;)

  • kakler bitmap
    511 months ago

    Wild that politicians and pearl clutchers still think all this prohibition BS is necessary (or effective). Sorry you’re in that boat dude hopefully the laws eventually catch up.