It’s probably closer related to Ukraine fighting back.
It’s probably closer related to Ukraine fighting back.
your track widths and PCB dimensions will be in millimetres
Not milli-inches? Is this a UK thing or have PCB design evolve since I last touched it?
Anyway, milli-inches is one of the funniest unities I’ve used.
There used to be dozens of theaters in a city, each one with a different set of contracts playing a different set of movies. Nowadays there are hundreds of movies in a city, all of them with the same set of contracts playing the same 5 movies.
Yes, everything is too expensive, what means nobody can afford to take a risk. Not the public, not the theaters, not the studios. (You can see people on this thread commenting that they won’t.)
There are what? 3 movie studios nowadays? Or are those 2? Either way, you can’t expect diversity from that.
What the OP said means literally that if mass murdering people is legal, people will inevitably murder whoever makes the law and helps on that mass murdering. (What is not a universal law, but as sociology predictions go, is quite reliable.)
It’s not a hard concept to understand. Also, it has a very distant relation to morality or legality.
Yeah, that one is officially not from him.
And the police has been officially never wrong about it, and has been looking for that one guy to interrogate only, maybe ask where he brought his jacket or something like that.
The point is that the CEO wasn’t in jail for murder, was he?
What other options his victims had?
Their timing was perfect. It was just around the time when “you” started losing all the power all over the internet.
I’ve got some really good pizzas with pineapple on them, and some really bad pizzas with pineapple on them. Also, there used to be a place nearby that made a really good hamburger with pineapple in it.
Overall, it’s not the existence of pineapples that make food good or bad.
What, they weren’t recommending encrypted communication before?
It’s afraid because the space-nazis (on your image) are successfully exterminating their species.
OMG, that meme! do you have any idea what is the context?
Well, explaining the noise is a game that can be played here too…
Everybody seems intent on doing it, why not us?
They’ve made a point to add seat-belts recently.
But people are still insisting they screw all the benches down. They already put an end on this discussion, saying that’s not an option, but people won’t shut-up about it…
Oh, that’s right. Yes, the graph is only bad and not wrong.
The tax is never negative. Instead, it plots a progressive tax rate, and calls it “negative”.
The second graph is just confusing and detracts from the explanation instead of adding to it.
What a bad set of graphs! The first one is just wrong.
Another Brazilian here.
The Iceberg is famous for using geothermal power. It’s hard to understand how. Except for that, no change.
Yoda pass the training to Obi Wan as “homework” in the end of the Clone Wars. Anakin isn’t around at that time.
I’ve tried to talk about fire retardants there once… It gets cut too.
They took Russia out. I’m not sure Iran and Hezbollah are invested on it enough to keep it without help.