Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
You’d need to put ’ (specifically) in place of a quotation mark. That is the cp1252 encoding of right single quote in utf 8.
“Wonder if it’ll work?”
Very excited for this. They were added to chrome around the time I stopped using it. The tab group extensions are all a bad fit for my needs. Excited for it natively.
You’re thinking of CVEs.
Also, Effective Java specifically says to use streams judiciously and prefer traditional for loops in general.
Yeah, I don’t really care for micro blogging.
Anyone else fucking hate “why is nobody talking about x” headlines? Like the worst click bait.
What about compression level 1 instead of 9?
Why do you think it’s a performance hit?
Don’t be naughty or you’ll get a spicy potato!
Yeah, this would’ve been better showing solidarity between goths and basic white women enjoying pumpkin spice.
You know PNG is lossless compression right?
This one never got traction but it was a personal favorite:
This was in response to someone considering getting a donkey.
I grew up on farm & we had two donkeys, Honeybun & Buttercup. Buttercup was older & eventually passed away, leaving Honeybun solo amongst the chickens, cows & horses.
Honeybun became ornery as all get out, just mean as hell. He’d started to bite anything close enough to be bitten. These weren’t little nips for attention; he’d draw blood given chance.
It got bad enough my grandfather carried a potato soaked in hot sauce to deter the donkey from biting. Grandpa would try to shove the potato into the donkey’s mouth when Honeybun went in to bite.
I know some donkeys get along well with horses. Honeybun did not. He bit those horses, went after chickens that wandered into his area, & likely would’ve done the same to cows if we’d let him.
I don’t have any specific advice for you, but I do believe donkeys get lonely & need some measure of companionship.
Sounds awesome, let’s lobby for shorter copyrights! ~30 years feels more than reasonable.
That’s simply not going to happen lol. They aren’t just going to release the secret sauce just because it would be a nice thing to do.
To an extent, but it’s often just wrong about stuff.
It’s been a good second step for things I have questions about that I can’t immediately find good search results for. I don’t wanna get off topic but I have major beef with Stack Overflow and posting questions there makes me anxious as hell because I’ll do so much diligence to make sure it is clear, reproducible, and not a duplicate only for my questions to still get closed. It’s a major fucking waste of my time. Why put all that effort in when it’s still going to get closed?? Anyways – ChatGPT never gets mad at me. Sure, it’s often wrong as hell but it never berates me or makes me feel stupid for asking a question. It generally gets me close enough on topics that I can search for other terms in search engines and get different results that are more helpful.
I’m just happy to see people finally admitting it wasn’t perfectly polished on launch. I felt like I was being gaslit.
I thought the joke was eating aquarium substrate because it looks tasty.
Right single quote (’) in UTF-8 ( has the same bytes as ’ in cp1252 (which is more or less “ASCII” if we’re doing ELI5).
Sometimes your keyboard or program’s settings will use right single quote for apostrophes instead of a normal apostrophe. ’ you might notice how this one is straight and not bent a certain way. This setting is often called smart quotes.