I mean anyone who is/was paying attention saw this coming with how much they’ve been diving into the SAAS business model.

  • @MomoNeedsCorrection@burggit.moe
    71 year ago

    So like, they saw the Xbox one literally fumble an entire generation of consoles because they planned to have always online even though they cut it due to backlash, and thought “maybe people would like this for their primary computer”? What kind of ass backwards marketing is that? People were absolutely fucking pissed they couldn’t lay around and play whatever shitty games xbox got. Imagine if instead of crappy games it’s literally everything done on the computer that can’t be accomplished if not connected, especially for laptops where you might be somewhere you don’t have a solid connection. Imagine not only losing what you’re currently doing online, but getting booted from the entire os because someone tripped over an ethernet cable.

  • Kenu
    51 year ago

    Yeah fuck that. Like I’m installing or playing any of my games on someone else’s computer.

    Guess it’s a good thing that WINE has made lots of strides.

    • @Burger@burggit.moeOP
      61 year ago

      I can see it now. Bill Gates along with “The Experts” come out and tout a lot of studies saying that cloud computing is good for the environment and that you’re paranoid or le ebil and have something to hide if you don’t want to use their servers to store your data and do computing with from a thin client.

      • @zarpath@burggit.moe
        31 year ago

        Their thought process is probably way easier. People don’t rely on shit like an Xbox so the always online failed there.

        So now they think, people can’t do without windows so let’s fuck them over there.

        I hope Linux gains traction but I know that 90% of people probably won’t even care.

    • Disa
      41 year ago

      Valve’s Proton and applications like Bottles really help too, making things pretty much 1 click to get working.

  • Disa
    41 year ago

    The writing was on the walls with this one. Wonder if this will be the last straw for some people. I certainly wouldn’t want all my files stored on a server, much less a microsoft one.

  • @whaleway@burggit.moeM
    31 year ago

    It isn’t for everyone but I can definitely see some value in having a minimal terminal to a PC in the Cloud. That’s what I feel like whenever I SSH into my server. At the end of the day the terminal device just needs Internet access and a decent keyboard.