His poor girlfriend
For some reason all I can see while looking this is the absolute mountain of paperwork it must have created.
If it’s anything like signing in unused ammo, it would’ve been easier if he blew up the garage rather than just hit it.
Nicely done on missing the conduit coming down the wall though.
Task failed succesfully
I’m not normally one to ask the obvious questions, but how? What actually happened, do you have the story behind this?
I’ve bumped things with a kayak on the roof of my car before, because the boat overhangs the vehicle.
Given how long the barrel is, I can see how this might happen. Or they were in the wrong gear.
That’s what I’m betting too, the driver was asked to put it to the side so something esle could access the garage but they forgot that the cannon extends much further out than the rest of the tank.
Ayyyy, did something similiar with forklift once! Gate was on the other side of the building tho.
Gottverdammt Klaus!!